十一月是個非常溫馨的季節,也是SVCA每年的「感恩月」。感謝主!讓我們藉著以下三十天的經文,每日一小段,來提醒我們要常存感謝的心,向 神獻上我們的感恩。今年的感恩經文配合年度的主題:「主的靈在哪裡,那裡就得以自由」(林後 3:17b) 。讓我們藉著這些經文,每天順服聖靈的工作,盼望不論是在我們個人或在團體的生活和事奉中,都能更深、更廣地經歷聖靈大能的釋放、膏抹、醫治、更新,和改變,進而可以活出一個聖靈滿溢,自由豐盛的人生!

November is a very heartwarming season. It is also the “Month of Thanksgiving” here at SVCA. Praise the Lord! Let us offer our thanksgiving to God through these 30 Bible passages - one passage a day. This year’s Thanksgiving Bible passages are inspired by our annual theme - "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (2 Cor. 3:17b).” Let's submit to the Work of the Holy Spirit through these passages. Let’s experience the mighty power of the Holy Spirit in our corporate service and personal lives. He is able to deliver, anoint, heal, renew, and change us, so that we can live a Spirit-filled life full of freedom and abundance.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Month of Thanksgiving - Day 1

但他們的心幾時歸向主,帕子就幾時除去了。主就是那靈,主的靈在哪裡,那裡就得以自由。林後3:18 我們眾人既然敞著臉得以看見主的榮光,好像從鏡子裡返照,就變成主的形狀,榮上加榮,如同從主的靈變成的。


在舊約的時候,只有摩西才能面對面地與 神說話;而如今,因著耶穌基督的救贖,我們眾人都可以敞著臉得以看見主的榮光!

不僅如此,摩西面上的榮光不過是反射 神的榮光,原是漸漸退去的!而如今我們身上的榮光卻是因著內住的聖靈而長存的!


讓我們為著 神在基督耶穌裡藉著聖靈所作成的全備的救恩向 神獻上感恩!

2 Corinthians 3:16-18
Nevertheless when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

In today's Scripture, Paul presents an exciting truth which so many of us may have missed or ignored it. We can be transformed into the same image of the Lord from glory to glory, through the ministry of the Spirit of God!

Under the Old Covenant, only Moses can have face-to-face fellowship with God; but under the New Covenant, all believers have the privilege of communion with Him,with unveiled face through the salvation of Jesus Christ!

Moreover, Moses only reflected the glory of God, but you and I, as believers of Jesus Christ, radiate the glory of God from within! The glory from Moses's face faded away, but the glory of God's grace continues to increase in our lives.

Finally, the result of Old Covenant ministry is bondage; but the result of New Covenant ministry is from justification through sanctification to glorification, which eventually leads to freedom in the Spirit!

Let's give thanks to God for the full salvation that He have accomplished in Christ through the Holy Spirit!